
Exploring the digital life


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When Nichelle Nichols told Gene Roddenberry that she wanted to quit #StarTrek he begged her to sleep on it.

That night she met Martin Luther King Jr. and he told her she simply could not quit.

“Gene Roddenberry has opened a door for the world to see us. If you leave, that door can be closed."

She went back in on monday and stayed a part of the franchise.

When NASA realized it was a sausage party they recruited her to spearhead their diversity program and she brought countless women and people of color into the space program.

After filming her first season of Star Trek Discovery, Sonequa Martin-Green met Nichelle on the red carpet premier and tried to tell her how hard she had worked not to let her or the franchise down.

Nichelle pulled her in close and whispered "Take care. This is yours now."

One year and one week and one day ago she left us mortals. but the changes and progress she helped make will always be with us.